Georgi Danov
Apr 1, 202311 min read
The “Lost Focus” Crisis. The Plague of the 21st Century
“I have said that to you three times already, you just don’t listen!” I have lost the count how many times my wife has said that to me. ...
Georgi Danov
Nov 14, 202212 min read
Negotiations - A Rational Process Until It Isn't
#negotiations, #bias, #loss aversion, #ego threat, #physchology, #game theory In the early 1940s, two very bright men, a mathematician...
Georgi Danov
May 22, 20216 min read
What Do You Mean We Perceive Things Differently?
"In this treacherous world nothing is the truth nor a lie. Everything depends on the colour of the crystal through which one sees it" -...